Gede Yuda Sugiarta1*, Nela Lutfiana1
1University of Indonesia, Faculty of Medicine
*Correspondent presenting author:
Subak is an irrigation system of rice field in Bali organized by group of farmers holding the philosophy of Tri Hita Karana, that is the three causes of happiness which are comprised of a harmonious relationship between human and God (Parahyangan), a harmonious relationship between the fellow human beings (Pawongan) and a harmonious relationship between human and the environment (Palemahan). Subak eventually be recognized as world heritage on the 36th World Heritage Committee meeting of the United Nations of Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The world recognition of the exceptional and universal value of Subak, bearing the urge to protect it. However, in spite of the world’s recognition as cultural heritage, Subak is now facing the challenges regarding its existence. The existence of Subak began to be questioned, as mass conversion of agricultural land into land of hospitality and tourism comes to threat. Therefore, it is necessary to do an assessment to analyze the problem, thus resulting the strategy and effort about protecting the existence of Subak. With the purpose of that, we conducted the study using descriptive argumentative analysis method by applying literatures of local and international journals on the subject of Subak. By reviewing researches and literatures, we conclude that the major problems contended include loss of rice field due to land conversion, limited availability of water, environmental damage, and limited human resource. To overcome the problems that faced by so it is required the protection efforts of subak by making strict laws, sanctions determination to subak members