So there is in fact some truth to this information. Very similar to the hockey league players I noticed that players born in the later months were not as athletic or strong as the ones born in the beginning months however they did have skill. I could definitely see some players being looked over due to their size and physical attributes. Not taking anything away from those players but I can see it happen.
While reading this book, from the details and explanation I could not believe how realistic and accurate to the fact that outliers are around the globe. Now it takes a little detective work to find it, but it is definitely there for someone to find. Looking into this Gladwell is able to describe and relate the information pointing out details that could easily be missed when conducting this …show more content…
Or as Gladwell says, “ One final example of the hidden opportunities that outliers benefit from” (56). In society today, the word outlier is not always used for positive reinforcement, in fact, it is closely associated with the word “loner.” Throughout this book Malcolm Gladwell tries to swing this word so that it can be used in more of a benefitting way and he does this by showing real world examples and shows how these “Outliers” are benefitting. Other examples from this book that he talks about include plane crashes and the culture of the pilots. Gladwell actually states, “There is a strong connection between cultures and crashes” (311). Information that he was even amazed to find out and something that he did not think there was such a connection too. It just shows that a little look into a topic can result in something