Civil Rights Act of 1964
★ The
Voting Rights Act of 1965 had an immediate impact on federal, state and local elections. Within months of its passage on August 6, 1965, one quarter of a million
new black voters had been registered. ★ The largest and most enduring federal assistance programs, launched in 1965, were
, which pays for many of the medical costs of the elderly, and
, which aids poor people
National speed limit of 55 imposed**
★ The hippie culture, which emphasized peace, love and freedom, was introduced to the mainstream ~ Ancient Hippie Quotes~
Make love, not war.
Don't let the man keep you down.
Live and let die.
Hell no, we won't go.
Never trust
Give peace a chance.
Power to the People.
Drop acid not bombs.
Live and let live.
No one is free, even the birds are chained to the sky.
Outta Sight!
Far out man!
★ ★ In 1967, the
Summer of Love
, an event in
San Francisco where thousands of young people loosely and freely united for a new social experience, *
★ 1969 with the historic
Woodstock Festival
John F Kennedy was assassinated during the 60's **
★ Vietnam War
★ Starting in 1964, the antiwar movement began.
★ The greatest outburst of rioting in national history came in April 1968 following the
assassination of MLK Jr.**
★ Kent State shootings
★ Nixon was reelected in 1972,
★ In 1973 The AMA removed homosexuality from their diagnostic manuals **
★ In 1966 the
National Organization for Women
, or NOW, was established to act as an NAACP for women.