The first two disorders that are evident at the start of the movie are depression and Narcissistic
Personality Disorder (NPD). The symptoms he shows for depression are that he develops poor coping skills and begins to feel rejection in his aspirations. These symptoms lead to social isolation where he works on his genius power for evil. The next disorder evident is
NPD. Once Syndrome fell out of his depression he evidently showed symptoms of NPD.
The symptoms include him showing an exaggerated sense of selfimportance, he expected to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant him, he believed he was superior to others and his inability to recognize the needs and feelings of others.
Lastly he shows symptoms of ASPD which include disregard for right and wrong, cynical
Behaviour,hostility,agitation and use of violence. He also has poor relationships with others and fails to consider the negative consequences of his actions. The symptoms he shows are for Depression, NPD and ASPD.
Treatment for Syndrome
Syndrome suffers from 3 different disorders through the course of the movie so he needs extensive treatment. The first disorder he suffers from is depression. To treat his