Events that might be magical in the hands of other writers - voices coming from small funnels in the sand, talking animals, animated trees - takes on a hallucinatory, runaway feel, like the reader is falling down a well, or riding a roller coaster no longer under the control of the operator. While the adventure may have begun, in part, with self-determination on the part of 12-year-old Jack Sawyer to save the life of his cancer-ridden mother, he soon is in over his head, sucked relentlessly from one danger to another, both mundane and magical. The violence and danger he faces are conveyed with a visceral reality, enough to make the reader flinch and wince in sympathetic
Events that might be magical in the hands of other writers - voices coming from small funnels in the sand, talking animals, animated trees - takes on a hallucinatory, runaway feel, like the reader is falling down a well, or riding a roller coaster no longer under the control of the operator. While the adventure may have begun, in part, with self-determination on the part of 12-year-old Jack Sawyer to save the life of his cancer-ridden mother, he soon is in over his head, sucked relentlessly from one danger to another, both mundane and magical. The violence and danger he faces are conveyed with a visceral reality, enough to make the reader flinch and wince in sympathetic