First, according to the guidelines, the basic general principle is
not followed during this study. An illustrating of this is clear, as this study is at a public park without proper consent or permit; hence, lacked the approved research protocol. In addition, this study is illegally conducted, violating the ethical principles as a result. In fact, I believe during the observation the watch queen, also known as the lookout, was the first line of defense to warn participants of law enforcement or if teens were entering. I consider that a premeditated illegal act, as the watch queen disregards the possibilities of innocent bystanders entering the site.
Second, the participants failed to receive an informed consent. All samples should have been aware of the purpose of the research, procedures, and the expected duration. Failing to make the samples aware of the previously stated does not grant the ability to withdraw or decline once the research has commenced. To put in perspective, would the male participants have went to that specific location had they knew someone was there awaiting to observe them? Also, the researcher discreetly and unethically wrote down the license plate numbers of the individuals who committed these sexual acts, conducted an illegal search of their location, and interviewed samples without notice three months later.