
The Techno-Flux Effect Gary Rudman Summary

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The Techno-Flux Effect Gary Rudman Summary
In the article “The techno-Flux Effect” Gary Rudman writes about how technology has changed the way teenagers store information. Rudman’s thesis is that youth today are heavily influenced by technology. He supports his thesis with the following three points: The brain blur, Dataaddiction, and the chill challenged. First Rudman, introduces us to the brain Blur he defines the brain blur as teens multitasking so much that their brains are in a constant blur of information. Teens these days talk on the phone, instant message, and play video games often times simultaneously. This is now the norm for teenagers, because of this teens now have a hard time concentrating on one thing at a time. Another point Rudman makes is that teens are addicted to information. …show more content…
He also goes on to say that these teenagers are suffering from something he likes to call Dataaddiction. A study was conducted on internet deprivation, 12 families volunteered to go without technology for two weeks. During the study the participants felt “out of the loop” .They felt frustrated and they experienced a feeling of loss and withdrawal. Lastly, Rudman explains how brain blur and dattaaddiction have affected their ability to “chill”. Today’s youth is constantly on the go. They are attached to their personal devices: cell phones, MP3 players, and hand held gaming devices. When they are forced to go without these things they are easily bored and feel lost. Rudman quoted Judith Kidd saying “They don’t know what to do with their down time. They come to campus with day

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