
The Tell-Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe

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The Tell-Tale Heart By Edgar Allen Poe
The Tell Tale Heart is a short story by Edgar Allen Poe in which the narrator murders and old man because of his “vulcher eye”. The eye of this old man taunts ans torments the narrator which drive him in insanity which he mistakes for his senses hightnening. He watches the man for seven nights before making his move. The old man wakes up and with his “vulcher” eye open, and the narrator is provoked to go through with the crime. He does the deed an hides the severed body parts under the floor boards. The police come to investigate and when the narrator has them convinced that he was not the murderer he begins to hear a heart beat from beneath the floor boards that no one else hears. The heart beat was the guilt washing over and thus admitting his crime to the police. The old man is murdered by the narrator whom is psycotic. …show more content…
He hears things that aren’t reall there. It is pointed out by Bouchard, that the narrator frequently pauses the story he is telling to explain why his way of thinking isn’t him being psycotic but being cautious. The narrator states that his hearing sense is hieghtnend and he can hear the beating of the old man’s heart just before he kills him and after he kills him. It is understood that this is not possible and is mearly in the mind of the narrator. His motives are sparked by his hatred toward the old man’s eye which the narrator calls “the eye of a voulcher” or “the evil eye”. He hates the way the eye looks, pale blue with a film over it. It isn’t normal for someone to want to seek blood just because of the way someones eye looks. This proves how the narrator is truly falling into

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