The author of the ten most beautiful experiments, George Johnson, plays an important role in the book by writing it from his own perspective. Johnson is an American journalist and a science writer. He even cohosts "Science Saturday" which is a live online weekly discussion, clearly related to science. These facts could help readers know that the author knows what he's talking about and has legitimate reasons behind each and every opinion he has. The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments is a recent book, published in April 2008 in New York. I suppose George Johnson just wanted to put his opinion of the ten most beautiful experiments out there, and be able to pick and chose which ten experiments those
The author of the ten most beautiful experiments, George Johnson, plays an important role in the book by writing it from his own perspective. Johnson is an American journalist and a science writer. He even cohosts "Science Saturday" which is a live online weekly discussion, clearly related to science. These facts could help readers know that the author knows what he's talking about and has legitimate reasons behind each and every opinion he has. The Ten Most Beautiful Experiments is a recent book, published in April 2008 in New York. I suppose George Johnson just wanted to put his opinion of the ten most beautiful experiments out there, and be able to pick and chose which ten experiments those