
The Theme Of Appearance Vs Reality In Hamlet

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The Theme Of Appearance Vs Reality In Hamlet
The death of one’s parent has an incomprehensible complication on the child. William Shakespeare has masterfully conveyed this implication into his text, Hamlet through the viewpoint of the protagonist (which incidentally bears the same title), an implication with an ambiguous nature. The implication refers to the complex state in which Hamlet’s mind is in; is he continuing to feign insanity to avenge his fallen father and defend his own honour or has he immersed himself entirely to the pursuit of vengeance that he reaches the point of no return. The reoccurring theme of appearance versus reality may (initially) appear to prove the former, but it becomes apparent as the play progresses that it induces unhealthy responses to his spirit and …show more content…
The deception of those closest to him amid a time of vulnerability is contributing greatly to the decay of his mind. This decay initially forms after acquiring an uncle-father, an appellation put into place abruptly after his father’s passing. “That we with wisest sorrow think on him/ Together with remembrance of ourselves./ Therefore our sometime sister, now our queen,/ …. Have we--as ‘twere with a defeated joy, …. Taken to wife.” (Act I, Scene 2) Claudius (the uncle-father) is appearing in the eyes of his subordinates as this ‘admirable’ brother, espousing the burden of nurturing his brother’s wife and son, when in reality, he is an “incestuous, murderous, damnèd Dane” (V, 2) that is consumed by his own avarice for …show more content…
Hamlet’s great determination and concentration may seem astounding for an insane individual to be able to possess, but it is honestly not, as a serial killer (an insane individual) also has a great determination and concentration towards their next victim. His pursuit of revenge stimulates his impetuous nature; he is willing to do what is necessary to anyone culpable and just about anyone that stands in his way, which pressures Claudius to take immediate action against Hamlet. “I like him not, nor stands it safe with us/ To let his madness range. …. I your commision will forthwith dispatch,/ And he to England shall along with you.” (III, 3) This is a venture; a parallel between Hamlet and a wild animal can be drawn, and when an animal is cornered, it is at its worst, when it is at its most desperate self. The effects of which have surfaced during a confrontational interaction with his mother, Gertrude, and man behind a curtain. During Hamlet’s interaction with Gertrude, the man yelling behind the curtain prompts Hamlet to start thrusting his sword into the curtain, with the intention to kill, which he does. “…. my two schoolfellows,/ Whom I will trust as I will adders fanged,/ They bear the mandate. They must sweep my way/ And marshal me to knavery. …. Oh, ‘tis most sweet/ When in one line two crafts directly meet./ (indicates Polonius)/ This man shall set me packing.” (III, 4) Mistaking

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