The Therapeutic Relationship
Over the course of the term we have looked at basic aspects of counselling and interpersonal skills, how we understand and relate to them as well as how we have experienced them within our counselling triads. Within the Humanistic schools of theory, we have looked at Person-Centred Counselling, Transactional Analysis and Gestalt, under the heading ‘Integrative learning’. This has allowed me to identify my own preferences and strengths in relation to each theory and apply them in learning triads. I shall also be focussing on interpersonal skills of a more generic nature, and how they can be applied to ease, encourage and explain interactions. Repeatedly this term I have found myself fascinated with the importance of the ‘Therapeutic Relationship’ and how it is formed and used successfully in order to allow for ‘growth’, ‘change’ or ‘awareness’ within the client. It seems to me a highly unusual type of relationship, intensely intimate but at the same time completely detached from everyday life. With my intrigued stirred this essay will be an exploration of the Therapeutic Relationship within Person-centred and Transactional Analysis primarily but touching on Gestalt, as well as its relation to me and my experiences of use within triads, in order to facilitate an effective and respectful relationship, which is comfortably bound by the BACP Code of Ethics.
“An image of a gossamer thread came into my mind; delicate, shimmering, evanescent and sometimes seeming to disappear completely, but always in the background”
(J.Marzillier 2010 p.xvi)
Considering that the focus of this essay my starting point will be point with the BACP and Metanoia Code of Ethics. As expected the code has detailed complaints procedures, a framework for tutors, students, supervisors within the industry and confidentiality clauses among many others that, must be adhered to unless otherwise agreed and ‘contracted’ by both parties before the first session. Other major points in relation to
Citations: and
Marzillier, J. (2010) The Gossamer Thread - Reference
Metanoia Code of Ethics - References
Mearns, D & Thorne, B (1988) Person-Centred Counselling in Action - References
Rogers, C. (2003) Client-Centred Therapy - References
Rogers, C. (1994) On Becoming a Person - References
Schiff, J. (1971) Passivity and the Four Discounts. "Passivity". Transactional Analysis Journal 1 - Reference
Stewart, I & Joines, V. (2002) TA Today- A New Introduction to Transactional Analysis - References