
The Things They Carried Literary Analysis Essay

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Chad Ehrlich
Tim O’Brien Essay

Tim O’Brien’s, The Things They Carried, contained different memoirs that truly bring the actions of war to life for the reader. Obrien’s book expresses the real feelings a solider faces while getting ready to go into war, in war, and post war. Through his vivid descriptions the reader is able to emphasize with the emotional burdens and stresses solders must go through while on duty. We are able to observe the different coping mechanisms solders must endure, including, cutting them selves off from reality and preoccupying their mind with other, sometimes meaningless, thoughts .The chapter that had the largest impact on myself was “Night Life.” For me this passage truly depicted not just the physical, but mental battle soldiers must go through; and the extreme measures taken to relive themselves from the intensity of battle. In “Night Life” Obrien talks about a solder named Rat Kiley, which is a secondary story he heard from Mitchell Sanders. The platoon was in the foothill of west Quang Ngai City, and had been receiving intelligence about incoming
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Kiley begun like many other solders that fear for the life would react, and tried to hold in his emotions, not saying a word. However, as the days slowly passed away Kiley becomes even more insane, and actually started to think that the bugs trying to purposely attack and kill him. He seemed to become as crazed as someone taking drugs such as methamphetamine, and began to scratch himself so bad blood would be drawn. Riley’s mind started creating pictures of him in pieces, including his heart and kidneys. All he could envision were the bugs chewing through his helpless and lifeless body. Finally Riley had enough, and although embarrassment was inevitable he shot himself in the leg. The next mourning his nightmare has finally ended, as he is released from

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