While the overlapping theme and anecdotes within this passage have seemingly nothing to do with one and other, the war stories further the ideas about truth O’Brien wants to convey, yet from there another layer is peeled back following the shift. Within the larger chapter the author recalls Lemon’s death four different times each with their own ornate level of detail such as the “whiteness of that light” that followed Curt’s soul as he ascended, he explains that his inability to “get it right” continues to wake him up at night This points to the idea that recalling, retelling, and reliving his experiences is therapeutic for O’brien. As he gets upset at a woman who “doesn’t listen” his manipulative behavior is parallel to that of Rat Kiley's while torturing the
While the overlapping theme and anecdotes within this passage have seemingly nothing to do with one and other, the war stories further the ideas about truth O’Brien wants to convey, yet from there another layer is peeled back following the shift. Within the larger chapter the author recalls Lemon’s death four different times each with their own ornate level of detail such as the “whiteness of that light” that followed Curt’s soul as he ascended, he explains that his inability to “get it right” continues to wake him up at night This points to the idea that recalling, retelling, and reliving his experiences is therapeutic for O’brien. As he gets upset at a woman who “doesn’t listen” his manipulative behavior is parallel to that of Rat Kiley's while torturing the