(Siena, Italy, September 17-19, 2003)
The Historical Evolution of the Portuguese Management Accounting Literature
José Manuel de Matos Carvalho (jcarvalho@iscac.pt) Maria de Fátima Travassos Conde (fconde@iscac.pt) Rosa Maria Correia Nunes (rnunes@iscac.pt)
ISCA de Coimbra - Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Quinta Agrícola Tel. (351) 239 802 013 Bencanta 3040-316 Coimbra Portugal Fax (351) 239 445 445 E-mail jcarvalho@iscac.pt
Abstract This paper analyses the evolution of the Portuguese management accounting literature, throughout the accounting books published in Portugal, in order to identify historical phases of that evolution. The methodology of this study consists in the analysis of some relevant Portuguese accounting books. We study and compare the evolution of the issues like the name of the discipline, terminology, concepts, deepness of treatment of the matters, number of pages of the books, accounting techniques used (e. g. budgeting, standard costs, overhead allocation). This paper proposes five phases: (1) industrial bookkeeping included in commercial bookkeeping books, until early twentieth-century, (2) industrial bookkeeping autonomy, until 1930’s decade, (3) industrial accounting, until mid 1970’s decade, (4) analytical / cost accounting, until mid 1990’s decade, and (5) management accounting, the current phase. This paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the evolution of the management accounting literature in Portugal, to evaluate the current state of the discipline in this perspective and to facilitate comparative studies with other countries. The structure of the paper is the following: introduction, selection of the books analysed, proposal of the management accounting literature phases, characterization of the phases by issues and conclusions.
1. Introduction
This paper
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