With the ever rising use of the internet, as well as online banking in businesses, this brings the concern that hackers and viruses may have the ability to access your private information. Recent developments in internet security have been shown to decrease and destroy nearly all internet viruses. Microsoft associates have proven that there are many ways around our man made barriers called firewalls'. The question is whether or not your private information can be safe while under this protection.
Internet privacy has always been one of the most concerning subjects for you the consumer. Since the invention of the computer and the internet, there has always been someone who wanted to conquer' it. We in the computer world like to call these people hackers. Due to this common threat, we as consumers have developed software to repel these hackers. These software programs are called firewalls and anti-virus scanners. Currently, there is an ongoing battle between the hacker and the hackee. Unfortunately, hackers have developed loopholes and software's of there own to work in there favor. Due to the hacker's resources, they can counteract the consumer's software, find alternate loops to the goal and access your computers vital and personal information.
One method that hackers may use to proceed on through your system is to send you a virus. A virus is a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer. "A true virus cannot spread to another computer without human assistance"(Miller). These viruses can be used to cripple ones computer. An anti-virus software/firewall can only handle so much information at one time. You can obtain a virus from the internet by downloading files to your computer as well as something as simple as sending an e-mail (Gralla). When your computers software is concentrating mainly on the virus, this