
The Three Little Pigs

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The Three Little Pigs
“Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it “- Charles R. Swindoll. The pastor had stated this inspiring quote in a message to the people of The Riverdale Texas community church. At the time not everyone had agreed with the saying. They surmised that life is 100% what happens you. The never ending debate about whether this quote is true or false can vary from person to person similar to the definition of success for everyone. However, over the years, personal experiences, history, and literature should have shaped people into understanding that this quote is true. Life is only 10% of what happens to you and the remaining 90% is how you react to every up and down in life.
The famous football running back Adrian Peterson had ruptured his Achilles Tendon in the Super Bowl when he was playing for the Arizona Cardinals. The RB was then hustled away from the field on a stretcher and everyone was convinced, including doctors that the rest of Peterson’s life was going to be spent in a wheelchair. Peterson did not react to this unaspiring point in his
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The fox had went to the three little pigs houses, asking for sugar. The fox had sneezed in front of the straw pig’s house and the house fell down. The fox could have went to the village and helped the little pig out of the debris. Instead, the fox chased the maimed pig and ate it, leading the fox to be associated with a sly and inhumane creature. The fox reacted to the situation of the pig underneath the straw debris in a harmful way. The actual situation of the house falling because of the sneeze was only 10% of what people look at, however the fox’s reaction of eating the injured pig is what had played the major role of making people associate fox’s with slyness. If the reaction of the fox to the injured pig was benevolent and he had saved a life, then the people’s opinion on fox’s would have been

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