A. The New Right model ⁃ Derived from the individual that lies at the heart of neoliberal economics ⁃ New Righy's preference is for a market economy driven by self-reliance and entrepreneurialism ⁃ Has expressed particular concern about the link between corporatism and escalating public spending and the problems of over-government ⁃ Mancur Olsan • The Logic of Collective Action: Public Goods and the Theory of Groups ▪ Argued that people join interest groups only to secure "public goods" ▪ Public goods are goods that are indivisible to some extent where individuals who don't contribute to their provision cannot be prevented from enjoying them ▪ Empowers small groups instead of large ones ⁃ encourages free riders ⁃ individuals become "free rider when they can reap benefits without incurring the various costs that group membership may entail • No guarantee that the existence of a common interest will lead to the formation of an organisation to advance or defend that interest
B. Pluralist model ⁃ guiding principle which allows the peaceful existence of different interests, convictions and lifestyles ⁃ political power is fragmented and widely dispersed ⁃ views and interests of majority are taken into account through interaction and bargaining ⁃ Arthur Bently • The Process of Government ▪ emphasises groups as the fundamental building books of the political process ▪ 'when groups are adequately stated, everything is stated' ⁃ some believe it to be the main ingredient of the democratic process ⁃ all grouse and interest have the potential to organise and gain access to government ⁃ it is a rough balance of power ⁃ acknowledges the diversity of interests and considers it imperative that members of society accommodate their differences by engaging in good-faith negotiation.
C. Corporatist Model ⁃ society and economy of a country should be organized into major interest groups (sometimes