One reason that ASL is a language is from the definition of the word language. The definition of language is communication between human beings, animals, or etc. Also in our Linguistics book it says “Human beings communicate and share information through language “(? 1). ASL is communication that Deaf people use to communicate in the Deaf world. Though
in the past ASL was known as just a bunch of gestures and made up things, that idea is starting to change in this day and age. In recent years, at some high schools and even colleges/universities, ASL is becoming seen as a foreign language and are starting to allow students to take ASL classes to count for language credits in school. Even though this trend is not happening super-fast at schools around the country, it is starting to show the world that ASL is a true language and that people should see it as its own language. The definition of the word language is the first reason that ASL is known as a language. Another reason that ASL is a language is from the structure of the language. In the Oxford Dictionary online, it says that language consists of “the use of words in a structured and conventional way” (Oxford Dictionary Online). Along with that, in our linguistics book it says, “All language, whether signed or spoken, are based on specific rules that the users of the language know and follow” (Linguistics of American Sign Language, page 1). ASL has a structure just like any other language in the world. ASL has words (in sign form), it can be written, has non-manual symbols, Yes-No question, etc. just like in other language around the world. Based off the idea that languages have structures to them, proves that ASL is a language. The finally reason that ASL is a language is from the fact that linguists study this language. Quoted from our linguistic book,” Languages are rule-governed communication systems. The scientific study of language is called linguistics…” (Linguistic of American Sign Language, page 1). The only reason linguists would study ASL is because ASL has been ruled as a governed communication system. If the government, rule ASL as a language, then I am pretty sure it is a language. Linguists study ASL because is a language. These are the three reasons why I believe ASL is a language. Due to the fact that ASL meets the requirements of the definition of the word language and ASL has a structure just like other languages around the world. Also, that linguists study ASL because it is ruled as a governed form of communication.