
The Three Stages Of Alzheimer's Disease

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The Three Stages Of Alzheimer's Disease
There is a seventy years old man who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer's Disease. When hearing this sentence, a lot of questions would cross our mind. For instance, some people will start to wonder what is Alzheimer's Disease, will the symptoms of the disease get worse over time? How many stages are there? And is it going to affect the patient's life? Alzheimer's Disease is a brain disorder where the brain cells progressively degenerate which leads to an impact on the patient's daily life through memory loss and cognitive changes. It has seven stages that the patient will experience from the beginning of the disease to its end. The symptoms of the disease develop slowly and gradually worsen over time, and the duration of each stage is different, …show more content…
In the first stage, there will not be any noticeable mental deficits or symptoms of the disease. The patient can function normally, has no memory problems, or signs of dementia. It can only be revealed whether or not the patient has Alzheimer's Disease by a PET scan, a graphic test that displays how the brain is functioning. By stage two, the patient will show several symptoms of AD which would cause some concern. Memory loss is the most remarkable sign in this stage. They may begin to misplace objects such as phones, keys and wallets, and also they might miss some names or words. However, the patient in stage two can normally participate in social activities and perform their daily life works, and the memory problems are still in a very mild stage. During stage three, the symptoms get worse than stage two but are not severe yet. In this stage, the people will start noticing some changes in the patient. The patient will begin forgetting new information that has just been read or said to them, ask about something over and over, and sometimes forget names of people that they have seen before for a short period of time .Also, they will have some difficulty in making plans or …show more content…
As Alzheimer's Disease progresses to stage six, the patient is in dangerous decline and the memory problems become more worse than any earlier stages. They will lose their awareness of present events, will not be able to remember the people closest to them such as their children, mother, and wife or husband. Also, hallucinations and agitation will appear. Moreover, personal care like using the bathroom and other daily tasks are impossible in this stage without any help. In the final stage, the patient will experience a decline in physical abilities. They may face difficulty in walking or sitting without assistance, and talking become severely limited. Muscles in this stage may become rigid and abnormal reflexes. In addition, swallowing might be difficult, and the patient will lose the ability to control their bladder and bowel functions

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