Summary of the tipping point
1. For homework, you had to write a summary of the Gladwell’s Tipping Point. Check whether your summary contains the following information
How can the emergence of an idea be compared to an epidemic?
3 incremental changes that occur to tip the curve?
Which of the 3 characteristics is the most important?
What happens when something reaches its tipping point
What examples are used to illustrate the theory?
2. Now read article 8D and see how it confirms your points. What extra information is given?
3. What further examples are provided? Use the box to write some notes.
Sticky enough – easy to remember.
Proper context – people who interested in ideas target audience.
3 crucial kinds of people – connectors, salesmen, mavens.
1) How can the emergence of an idea be compared to an epidemic? It spreads fast- contagious- growth is exponential (article A – line 20)
2) 3 Incremental changes that occur to tip the curve? Contagiousness – little causes can have a big effects – change are gradual but dramatic
3) Which of the 3 characteristics is the most important?
Sudden/dramatic change 4) What happens when something reaches its tipping point? The change is speed up 5) What examples are used to illustrate the theory?
4. Now, in pairs, give your partner a summary of the Tipping Point.
TExt 8e
Look at the essay question:
"Compare and contrast the role of Innovators and Early Adopters with the role of the Early Majority in achieving commercial success. Relate your answer to Gladwell’s theory of the Tipping Point?"
You are going to read an article which introduces the various roles mentioned above. You will try to relate these roles to the Tipping point?
5. Quickly read the text and answer these two questions:
What two examples are provided?
For each example, when was the Tipping Point?
Let’s focus on the last example:
6. Read the text again and place on the graph: