As a student at American InterContinental University we all have a certain code we must follow. Being a professional student, my duty is to abide by the rules of honesty set by the college to be professional at all I do. The code of honesty set by the college states, “that I pledge that all test taken and work submitted by me will be my original own ideas and of my own efforts.” (Student Handbook, 2011) Showing honesty in any professional environment will bring great rewards for all who abide by the rules. Professional and academic integrity involves everyone taking responsibility for their conduct and competence.
Accepting responsibility means taking care of the things that matter most to you. It also means that even though one’s responsibilities may often change due to financial strains or any other changes at home; you are taking care of your business. When dealing with my ethics and integrity the top ten academic and professional elements that are most important to me are as follows: * Plagiarism which deals with purchasing papers or reusing a classmate’s paper as your own. It does not matter if the paper is purchased from online or from someone else; it is dishonest and considered plagiarizing. One should not purchase papers and pass it off as their own. Even though we change a few words, change the title of the paper or other sections of the paper it is still wrong and dishonest. Having your own ideas and thoughts says a great deal about the person writing the assignment. * Acquiring more skill sets to better able to support myself. In this case, it means continuing my education. Mastering more skills will benefit any employer and oneself. Working hard and building up more skills will land the job or position that I wish to obtain to turn into my career. * Have the trust and confidence in using good judgment regarding all ethical practices set in order to maintain my high
References: American Intercontinental University (2011). AIU Online: Student Handbook p-48-54. Lesikar, R.V., Flatley, M. E., & Rentz, K. (2008). Business communication: Making connections in a digital world (11th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Lucas, S. (2008). The art of public speaking (9th Ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.