If the girls try to escape from their husbands, they are publicly beaten severely, “the punishment that the girls who try to escape in Kabul, Afghanistan have to encounter, is being struck with as much force as possible by their husband with a leather strap (escaping marriage but not lashes). Girls as young as 9 have to be brought to the hospital to get treatment for their beatings and being sexually abused, “the young girls have no idea what marriage means, so when they are sexually assaulted they are terrified (Yemen nine and ten).
Works Cited
“Arranged Marriages Examined: Often Painful, Seldom Successful.” Relationships & Affairs Web Wednesday Nov. 17 2010
“A Young Girl’s Fight for Freedom from Family, Religion and Society.” Africa News Service March 8, 2010 Gale Student Resources in Context Web. Tuesday Oct. 5, 2010
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“Escaping Marriage, But Not Lashes. “The New York Times, May 31 2010 Web Thursday Oct. 21, 2010
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