Many researchers have studied the fascinating yet horrifying world of serial murderers. The discoveries made since the phrase "serial killers" was coined, have amazed society. Despite all the knowledge discovered related to this topic, much more still needs to be disclosed.…
Male Serial Killers. Ed. Dr. Tom O 'Connor. Feb. 2004. North Carolina Wesleyan College. 17 Nov. 2004 .…
Jeffrey Dahmer was a white male born in 1960, who killed, mutilated, and sometimes ate seventeen…
The inside of a serial killers mind is a very vast world of mixed emotions and the feeling of needing to fill a need. Something in a serial killers past is what typically triggers them to start…
Apparently, all serial killers are murderers, but not all murderers are serial killers according to an article titled "Serial Killers: Nature vs. Nurture." There are major differences between murderers and serial killers and according to this article,“ Serial killers are only driven by instinct and a desire to kill. Due to these sexual desires and the need to fulfill their arousing fantasies it often urges these individuals to murder those who are complete strangers. Therein lays the fundamental difference.” Now, the article discusses the fact that typically a serial killer’s profile is that of a white male between the ages of 20 and 30 who commonly target their victims within the area of their living space. Note that not all serial killers fit this profile and this is apparent through history, as women have been known to develop into serial killers as well. Psychotics and psychopaths can have personalities in common, such as dull emotions, but they tend to diverge regarding whether he/she can mentally stay within reality. Psychopaths are cunning and manipulative, but they do not experience hallucinations nor delusions. They do not hear the voices of strangers in their minds nor do they hold inaccurate theories about the world. However, no matter his/her sex, age, or race a serial killer is a serial killer. Thus, the question remains: Was it nature or what it nurture? Could it be both? It is evident that nurture takes the principal role in the creation of a serial killer. According to Gina, who wrote the article "Nurture Over Nature: Mental Illness and Traumatic Life Events," while nature does play a chief role in their creation and is accountable for a decent part of the process, it does not take it…
Upbringing, I believe, has a heavy weight on shaping people's personalities. Addiction is a new way for me to look at the problem of serial killings and has explained some things for me, such as, why do they continue to kill even when the police are hot on their tracks? Sometimes it would be smart for a serial killer to lay low when they become high profile, but their addiction doesn't allow them to do this. We still might not have a complete understanding of how a serial killers mind works, but I believe we are slowly progressing. Recent confessions of serial killers has also given us a priceless tool for looking into the mind of these people. When BTK was taken into custody, he finally began to confess and didn't stop. He ended up spending thirty three hours in interrogation, walking investigators through his crimes and telling them what was going through his mind. John Wayne Gacy allowed psychologists to ask him questions up until he was put to death. These encounters gave what we call "normal people" a chance to look into the head of a psychopath. Maybe someday we can pinpoint the exact factors for creating a serial killer, and prevent them from a full…
These factors are biological, i.e. high testosterone hormone level or using substances, pathologies such as Autism or Attention Deflect Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), film industry, social learning that become a criminal or be a serial killer can be learnt by observation and applying a reinforcement, developmental process and social environment like education level or availability of the crime. In my point of view, there is no only one important factor which plays in a role in regards to be a serial killer in light of the fact that these all factors depend on the each other. For example, both one person has a childhood problem and is impacted by one serial killers film e.g. he/she was isolated from their friends and as a consequence of that he/she feel alone and neglected. Following this, he watched one serial killers film who killed his/her friend because of the fact that they were ridiculed with the serial killer and he was both affected by the factors. In addition to this, serial killers come from our society so that all humans have a potential to become a serial killer. What is more, on the occasion of looking at these factors, serial killers not only are not insane people but also are not responsible for their actions. In my opinion, I believe that society, traumatic experience and biological factors result in being a serial killers. Therefore, they do not have their autonomy.…
References: Apsche, J.A. (1993). Probing the mind of a serial killer. (p.235). Morrisville, PA: International Information Association…
One of the most famous questions of all time asks, “Why do serial killers, kill?” Everyone is different in their own way, so no one can really answer that question specifically. Dr. Helen Morrison, author of “My Life Among The Serial Killers” interviewed ten famous serial killers to try to answer this question. She found that almost all of them had similar characteristics besides killing. Unlike what most people believe, she surprisingly found that these characteristics did not include insanity, child abuse, or drug abuse. Instead she explains that their most common trait is that they have an emotional age of an infant. Other characteristics include fluent lying, the lacking ability to comprehend that they did anything wrong, and no memory of the murders however when they do remember they show no mercy.…
Although this may be, psychologists have come across numerous cases where they were not able to identify source of actions due to the complexity of their behavior. By identifying the root causes, it was determined that serial killers tend to begin their killings due to drastic change or impact in their environment. As stated by Eric W. Hickey “ Cases of serial killing share commonalities and characteristics; anger, low self esteem, fantasy, facilitation, and objectification of the victims are all common denominators in understanding the etiological rules of serial murder” (Hichey, 2010). The lives of Jeffery Dahmer’s, Albert Fish’s and Mary Bell’s lives were carefully assessed; each suspicious activity that occurred within their life that could have led them to commit such heinous crimes. During psycho-analysis of this topic it can be seen that there are similarities when comparing different killers. Even though there are different reasons as to why they commit such gruesome acts; it can be correlated to some factors such as being a social pariah, ill-treatment as a child, or neglectful…
Serial killers are an imperative piece of history murders committed in the late and modern era now play a course in the historical background of killers. It is an interesting topic on the basic that there is in depth information, statistical evidence, and expert testimony to accumulate and understand how serial killers work. Infamous killers such as Ted Bundy, Jack the Ripper, and Jeffrey Dahmer all had one characteristic in common the categorization of a serial killer all three committed murder in the most barbaric manner. Bundy classified as good looking and charming he killed at least twenty-eight victims. Dahmer cannibalized his victims and killed seventeen people mostly homosexuals and Black Americans (Holmberg). The thought that conveys in the most conversational way possible is the perspective that serial killers are part of society an upstanding neighbor that is quiet in nature could turn out to be a psychopath. It is crucial to acknowledge and understand the consequences of a serial killer that lurks in silence and to prohibit the chances of becoming a…
Tests have shown that the nervous systems of psychopaths encounter less fear and anxiety than normal people. Tests have proven that low arousal levels have caused these individuals to project impulsive thrill-seeking behavior. Proven by one experiment, a group of healthy individuals and a group of serial killers were given the task of finding which lever out of four turned on a green light. One of the levers gave the subject an electric shock. Though both groups made the same number of mistakes the sociopaths took much longer in learning to stay away from the lever with the electric shock. This higher need for stimulation leads these individuals to seek dangerous situations. In fact most serial killers have a desire to become cops, the intensity of the job makes it exciting and desirable to them. The famous serial killer John Wyane Gacy, responsible for the rape and murder of 33 teenage boys and young men, told…
Inside the mind of a Serial Killer and the current biological differences between our minds and that of a serial killer.…
Based on information from criminal psychologist, interviews, and statistics, serial killers are getting caught more and most are white males. Their childhood, mental disorders, and social standing do affect the very aspect of who they are. In case studies most serial killers have been abused. Only 15%-16% of the serial killers are females (Aamodt).More case studies are needed to provide more details on the brain of a serial killer. Murders may be living next door, going to your church, or helping you with your groceries. They con people into believing they are trustworthy and make them feel safe in their presences. They show above average…
He is very often the last person his neighbors or friends would think is a serial killer. Even those who are "different" than most people are capable of appearing normal enough to not be considered a serial killer at first. Formative years may play a role in the molding of a serial killer, but they cannot be the sole reason in every case. Many killers blame their families for their behavior, seeking sympathy. In true psychopathic fashion, serial killers are blaming someone else for their actions. We must look at other components to see what pushes a serial killer over the edge. It is important to understand the pre-crime stress of a suspected offender so that the investigator or profiler can understand the psychology of the offender. By understanding the psychology, a possible motive may be…