Today in this modern world, computers have made a mark able position in almost everyone’s life. From students to business men, everyone owns a computer. Without a computer, life seems quite impossible. It is the most versatile machine ever been made. Anyone can use a computer according to his or her own desire. For example, a small kid may use a computer to play games or a student may use it as a medium to extract information from the internet, etc. The importance of this machine can be observed in our day-to-day life.…
With the vast and rapid development of science and technology, a computer is no longer considered as a source of luxury but it’s a requirement of the modern days. Computer technology has provided students of all ages the chance and opportunity to expand on what interests they have.…
A computer in the hands of a conscientious student is a powerful tool that, utilized to its fullest potential, can encourage that student to become a success in his or her studies. Some believe that the use of computers in an educational environment diminishes the quality of material turned in by students; I disagree. There is great potential in accessing the millions of megabytes of data available on the World Wide Web, potential that should not be overlooked. It is incumbent on the educators today to guide their students in the best way to harness the material they find on the internet.…
Computers were invented many years ago, but we began to use them recently. The technical progress is constantly developing. People always create new computer technologies. The computer has become a part of our daily life. Many people use computers at work, school, and at home, but we have not yet realized the advantages and disadvantages of the computer.…
In today’s world, computers have come to play an enormous role in many people’s lives.…
Computers and the Internet technology have revolutionized the field of education. The importance of technology in schools cannot be ignored. In fact, with the onset of computers in education, it has become easier for the teachers to render knowledge and for the students to grasp it. The computer technology is used to add a fun-element to education. And it goes without saying that the Internet has endowed education with interactivity.…
• A programming Language - is a set of rules that provides a way of writing instructions that instructs a computer on what operations to perform. • Programming languages can be classified into two broad categories namely: • Low level programming Languages • High level programming Languages • Low level languages further classified into two generations namely: – First Generation- Machine languages – Second Generation -Assembly languages…
With the development of technologies, the computer is playing an increasingly important role in our daily life, and it is also widely used in education. However, whether traditional education should be replaced by computers has caused heated debate. In my opinion, even if the computer can help teachers to teach students, it will never replace teacher’s work.…
Now in the present time, the age of modern technology, where almost everything is hi-tech, computer technologies has greatly improve and become better. These days, the computer technology industry is rapidly growing and changing. Along with that growth and change of computer are the people who almost instantly adapt to changes. The reason why computer technologies are invented is to help make people’s life easier and to improve their way of life, especially the students. Modern computer technologies make studying easier and fun to the students. Computers help students in their studies for students can start.…
within the antenna beams of the satellite rather than simply the two ends of the…
I certify that this dissertation is my original work and all material in this dissertation…
Computer teaching plays a key role in the modern education system. Students find it easier to refer to the internet than searching information in fat books. The process of learning from prescribed textbooks. Internet is a much larger and easier to access storehouse of information. When it comes to storing and retrieving information, it is easier done on computers that maintaining hand-written notes.…
Nowadays, computer is commonly used. It helps to be easier and presentable our activities. Many students used computer instead of library to research because in one click we can know the answer rather than in library you consumed a lot of time. In other professional especially in teachers, they used computer to compute the grades, to type their documents, to make a power point to be presentable to their students by the help of these the student will lend their ears to listen. By the help of computer, we lessen the garbage because some teacher and student used visual aid to report. Computer helps also to gain more friends even we can’t see in personal. It helps also to communicate important person in our life.…
Computers in education are a big step in development on education and the impact is huge. Given its capabilities, it is a vital tool in education. Given today 9 out of 10 household have or use computers. We are on high technology or high-tech age now. Almost everybody now uses computers and almost everything is run by computers. Many students use computers in the classroom on the daily basis. Using this in schools for learning is one of the best roles in child educational development. More children are drawn to computers whether their parents like it or not. Almost all parents have that dilemma since the development of modern computer. Games, role playing games (RPG), massive multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) are the main culprit. Introducing the use of computer to schools is most ingenious; whoever pioneers this program is very observant and smart. For starters, introducing education based interactive games is one of those innovations. It’s like basic course in computer for students primarily for elementary. Students do mouse left and right clicking, mouse panning and pointing, etc. It’s like computer games or usage not in a negative way but in a positive way. The information hi-way or the internet as we use to call it, through computers this is the most effective tool in education for knowledge gathering through its search engines, Yahoo and Google to name a few. Students can access enormous amounts of information for their assignments and research work with a simple a type and click combination. Students can also make study groups through the internet’s social networking sites like Facebook, Friendster, Blogging Google Groups, etc. Students can create group pages for their studies and knowledge sharing within their communities or universities in a specific country or can study and share knowledge in other study groups in different communities and universities globally. Online tutoring and online studying in internet through computer has recently…
In those days lecture method is used as an effective tool of instruction in school even to teach science subject. Nowadays technology plays a vital role in education. The Teacher and Learner gain access to technology especially Computer and CD for improving learning outcomes. The Computer plays an important role in life-long education and enables students to acquire knowledge and explore possibilities to solve problems. Computer technology is likely to influence education enormously and can play an important role in enhancing the efficiency of the teaching-learning process, making children more creative and providing them with and individualized learning environment.…