1.1 The Background
It is stated in Kompasiana (2011) that
“Social networking is a medium that is widely used by speakers of the language to communicate with each other remotely via the internet. They have interaction by using slang language. Social networks are much in demand by the public, namely facebook and twitter. In facebook and twitter, the user can write down what he was thinking in the "status" and are able to provide comment on the "deliverables" and "status" of their colleagues. In addition, they can also engage in dialogue with each other and give each other comments”
We know that the use of slang languages has become a necessity for the teenagers in Indonesia. So, what is slang language itself? Slang language is the use of informal words and expressions that are not considered standard in the speaker 's language or dialect but are considered acceptable in certain social settings. Slang language appears around 1980s, when its name is prokem. Prokem means the language of gangster or in Indonesia, usually, we call them as “preman”. They use it as the way to save their secret from their opposite when they talk about something. Another side, prokem is used to describe themselves as the members of different groups from other groups. But, around 1990s, slang language is defined as a socia, cool, and trendy language.
The use of slang language becomes more popular in the society after Debby Sahertian compiles the vocabularies that used by certain comunity (gay, lesbian,etc) and she created a dictionary in 1999. The name is Kamus Bahasa Gaul. Usually, Slang language is used in our daily conversation, social network, among popular media, pop culture magazines, some television programs, radio, etc, expect for formal speech. Because of that, slang language becomes more popular. Slang language is used by teenagers to express theirself to their comunity or friend. When we see
References: 1. Ali, Muhammad. 2002. Kamus Lengkap Bahasa Indonesia Modern. Jakarta. Pustaka Amani Jakarta. 2. Indonesian slang. www.wikipedia.com 3. 2012. Contoh Makalah Penggunaan Bahasa Gaul Dikalangan Remaja. Juni Astea. (http://juniastea.blogspot.com)