1.6 billion people, or almost one quarter of the world's population, face economic water shortage (UNDESA, 2014)…
The differences between the average American’s view of water and the average African’s view of water are outstanding. Americans take advantage of the water that freely flows through our faucets everyday. African women struggle to find, gather, and carry their water to their homes. “The Illusion of Water Abundance,” “The Burden of Thirst”, and “Unquenchable” give unique insight into the way different peoples view the source that gives humans life. This synthesis paper will focus on the ethics of water and will compare the way Americans view water to how people who live in Africa view water. Specifically, it will discuss the effort it takes to obtain water versus the way water is used and appreciated by two different peoples.…
Access to clean water is considered a basic human right and in many countries when sustainable development is considered, water is at the top of the list of priorities (Omer, 2008). The value of water is increasingly felt in areas such as Sudan, where precipitation is inadequate while temperatures are high resulting in dry or arid conditions (Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), cited in USAID, 2010). Two-thirds of the country is arid and rainfall is less than 400mm annually. Regardless of the fact that about 60% of Sudan lies within the Nile basin, it only draws 18.5x109 m3 from the Nile’s annual flow of 84x109m3 and added to its internal supply of 12x109m3, the water availability falls considerably below the water stress limit of 1000m3 per head (ibid).…
Salkind, N. (2013). Why Measurement? An Introduction. In Tests & Measurements for People Who Think They Hate Tests & Measurements(2nd ed., p. 13). Thousand Oaks, California: SAGE Publications…
Do you know how much water the average American uses in one day? From showers and flushing toilets to cooking and drinking, the average American uses about 100 gallons of water per day (“Water.org”). Additionally, they know that their water will always be clean. Now imagine Haiti, where the average person lives off of only 4-5 gallons of water per day, which may or may not be clean water (“Water.org”). Millions of people in Haiti suffer every day due to a lack of clean, usable water. Fortunately, to help combat this terrible human rights abuse, there’s a non-governmental organization called Water.org that builds wells in Haitian villages to ensure a long-lasting solution to the issue. Even though the organization is doing wonderful work, access to clean water continues to be a tragic issue in Haiti.…
Water provision has always been the most important issue and the most difficult subject for an arid region especially extremely arid region such as Africa. Take Kenya for instance, which is ranks as the sixth most populous country in Africa. As all we know, Africa have abundant recourses, with the rapidly growth of economy, has led to a huge amount number of water consumption. moreover , According to the World Health Organization, only 45% of Kenyans have access to an improved water source, which is lower than the Millennium Development Goal (MDG) target of 70% .(Lifewater 2013) . In addition, nearly 884 million people in the world still do not get their drinking-water from improved sources, almost all of them in developing regions. Especially Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for over a third of that number. (WHO/UNICEF, 2010). The figure shows use of improved satiation facilities is low in Sub-Sahara Africa and South Asia. (Figure1)…
Water is not only a physical resource: in every culture it is spread among social, spiritual, political and environmental meanings. So, solving the water problem means progress across all of these developments. This is mostly relevant in countries with no perennial rivers, streams, or permanent surface fresh water. Also, people in arid regions are uniquely vulnerable to economic and…
Do the citizens of the world know that the world’s water is scarce or undrinkable? And if so, what are they doing about it? Although water seems to be everywhere all water is not useable. Even though 71% of the earth is made up of water, water is still scarce in every country; including the United States, according to Williams (2014). California sits right on the Pacific Ocean; however, this water is not consumable and Californians are experiencing a four-year drought. As mentioned by The Water Project (2015), in developing countries, either the quantity of water is significantly scarce or the quality of safe drinking water is insufficient, thus creating a water shortage. When the water crisis is mentioned two terms are associated with it: water stress and water access. According to the European Environment Agency ([EEA], 2015), water stress exists when…
Studies of the World Water Commission and other international agencies show that billions of people on our planet are living without the bare minimum of health conditions. Millions of persons have no access to drinking water. Given these serious problems, several diseases such as diarrhea, hepatitis and many others are spread.…
Water is an essential source of life, but there are categories of water which includes fresh or salt water. Most of earth’s land roaming animals needs fresh water for survival, including 6.7 billion people and their crops. The lack of fresh water makes a chain reaction of bad factors like illness, bad crops and unsanitary living conditions. Without water people cannot water their crops which leads to hunger, then bad health, and soon after illnesses that prevents them from working and going to school. It is easy to see why water is treated as an economic good because it has to be collected, managed, processed and supplied; it is a very expensive process that water goes through before it is clean and can be giving out to people to drink.…
Water scarcity has been a common phenomenon over the world and is becoming increasingly serious. The data from UN (n.d.) suggested that approximately 700 million people in 43 countries are experiencing water scarcity. About 1.8 billion people will face the danger of water scarcity and 2/3 of global population will bear water scarcity by 2025(ibid). Lacking of…
Africa is fundamentally a semi-arid and water scarce country in which only receives nine percent of its water being converted to runoff. Data shows that the first diminishing signs of the unavailability of water were between 1993 and 1996. Without proper technological advances the dry…
The water is there. But what has gone awry is its management. Water scarcity in Asia and…
Everyone knows that water is essential to human life, but one third of the world's population lacks sufficient access to safe drinking water and sanitation to meet their basic needs. [www.gwp.org]Every year 3 million people die prematurely from water-related diseases in developing countries. [www.gwp.org] 884 million people in the world still do not get their drinking-water from improved sources, almost all of them in developing regions. [www.gwp.org]How can access to clean water change the lives of people in the world? People are endeavoring to address this issue, such as helping people to build the water supply system, providing water and sanitation in schools, developing technologies to provide clean water and so on.…
1.6 billion people have gained access to a safe water source since 1990.[63]The proportion of people in developing countries with access to safe water is calculated to have improved from 30% in 1970[64] to 71% in 1990, 79% in 2000 and 84% in 2004. This trend is projected to continue.[7] To halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water is one of the Millennium Development Goals. This goal is projected to be reached.…