Tormented. Beaten. Herded like cattle. Imprisoned within walls lined with barbed wire. Cowering with fear when in the shadow of a tall, strong soldier. All hope depicting escape has faded away and been replaced with dread. No one would dare attempt to abscond from the camp for it would result in immediate death. Blood spilled on the dirt floors, living in filth and scars.…
Backed by the Soviet Union and China, Kim Il Sung started the Korean War that took place 1950-1953. He wanted to unite North and South Korea under Communism.…
Q6: The Vietnam War was a war between the Southern Vietnam and Northern Vietnam. The reason why they has this war was because it was originally between Northern and Southern Vietnam because they had disagree on different beliefs. Northern Vietnam was more of a communist-based nation. While Southern Vietnam was a nationalist-based nation. Since Southern Vietnam had United States for support. They became more involved in the Vietnam War. More than 500,000 soldiers from the United States fought against Northern Vietnam. Soon after, they had to withdraw because they didn't know the terrain and Southern Vietnam starting losing its population. That's mean they were losing people to fight in the war so the United States gave up and withdraw from the Vietnam War. The containment policy means it not have…
The Korean War was the result of tensions between North and South Korea after World War II. North Korea launched a surprise attack against an unprepared South Korea, pushing South Korean and U.S. forces to the southernmost tip of the Korean Peninsula. The U.S. launched a counterattack that started with amphibious landings at Wolmi-do Island and Inchon. The battle of Inchon was a significant factor in the Korean War because it allowed U.S. and South Korean forces to push North Korea back past the 38th Parallel.…
The Vietnam War started in 1955, which was few years after the beginning of World War 2. Even though War was between Northern and Southern Vietnam, the War was actually between Communism and Democracy. The Northern Vietnam was under the control of China, which was dominated by Communism. The Southern Vietnam was supported by the United States and also had many soldiers placed in there. Dwight D. Eisenhower was the president of the United States at that time.…
Although very popular the Vietnam war was huge conflict during the years of 1964 through 1975, this single incident changed many Americans opinions about the nation's role both in foreign affairs and domestic ones. The Vietnam war failed in its primary purpose which was to assists in the defense against north Vietnamese communism, just like the cold war previously this proved to be another example of escalation. The US involvement in Vietnam damaged the us reputation due to very misguided and complex intentions on the part of political leaders like those in the Johnson and Nixon administration which brought upon unhappiness and social unrest among the public. This political corruption along with mismanagement on the economic system and the…
Before going into detail about the after effects of the Korean War on the world, it is important to understand the basic events that took place, and its causes. After World War One, America and the Soviet Union (still allies) decided to help Korea establish a stable government; the US helped areas of Korea south of the 38th parallel, and the Soviet Union helped Northern Korea (Granfield xix). After the relationship between the US and the Soviet Union took a turn for the worst with the beginnings of the Cold War, Northern and Southern Korea became their own separate regimes, the North being Communist and the South Capitalist and anti-communist.…
The period of the Cold war began in 1945 following World War II after the defeat of Hitler, Germany and Japan. The Cold War wasn’t a one time event, rather it was a long period of fighting between the leadership of the Western World and Eastern Europe. The two countries known as superpowers led the charge with the Western side led by the USA and Eastern Europe led by the Soviet Union. Although once allies during World War II, mistrust with the leadership of Joseph Stalin and his leadership caused the USA to take a stand against the communist country. Although a war was never formally declared, the two super powers fought indirectly through proxy wars, space race, and arms race.…
The Vietnam War had many other names, such as the Second Indochina War. It was known as the Indochina War, as it was the name of the land in which Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Burma sat. “The cold war was a state of political and military tension after World War II, between powers in the Western Bloc (US, NATO allies and others), and the powers in the Eastern Bloc (The Soviet Union, and its allies in the Warsaw pact).” The cold war had shaped international relations in many ways after the Second World War. Such as: the division into camps, American Involvement, the consequences of Dien Bien Phu and the Geneva conference and President Nixon’s policies.…
Imagine fighting a war for the freedom of a country in which you yourself were not free. Could you fight for a country that had enslaved you, a place where you have few or no civil rights? Throughout the history of American wars, these were the types of issues that African Americans had to deal with. They were forced, and many times volunteered, to serve, protect, defend, and preserve the freedom of the United States. They went to war for a country in which they were segregated, treated unequally, and in early times, not even considered a person. At first, African Americans joined the military to fight for freedom from slavery. Later, the reason they joined evolved into a battle for equality…
After the assassination of Kennedy, Johnson inherited presidency and immediately introduced the "Great Society" policy, despite being anti-war, and promised US citizens economical and social improvement.…
During the time of 1959 to 1975, The United States had entered in a controversial conflict and war with Vietnam. There were hidden controversies that lay beneath the Vietnam War about whether it was worth fighting. Some views suggest that it should have not been considered a war. President Kennedy had plans to remove all troops in Vietnam up until his tragic death, whereas President Johnson, when becoming head of office, had plans to hold off any of North Vietnams attacks on the South Vietnamese.…
At the end of World War II Military and Political tensions between the USSR (Russia) and the US greatly increased. Communism in the USSR presented itself as a big threat to the US’s national security. Fearing that the Communism would spread to Vietnam and other countries, the US opposed the independence movement there.…
President Harry Truman had proclaimed in early 1950 that he would not defend the Nationalists from a Communist attack, but after the outbreak of hostilities in Korea he moved the U.S. Seventh Fleet into the Taiwan Strait to discourage the spread of military conflict in the region.…
Despite the total victory and unconditional surrender in the recent World War II, the Korean War was not along the same lines whatsoever. The Korean War began when the North and South were divided at the 38th parallel; suddenly, the Communist North invaded the south and most of it was consumed except for a final southernmost city. There, General MacArthur was sent my President Truman to Korea for a “police action.” With U.N advancements up near the Chinese-Korean border, the Chinese sent their own troops to force MacArthur back near the original border lines, where MacArthur called for extra support and was denied.…