First exercise for male enhancement To perform this warm-up you will need a cloth or small towel and access to warm water. Firstly find an ample sized face cloth. Wet it with warm water until it is soaked through and hot, but still manageable. Then wrap the cloth around penis and testicles. This may feel strange and slightly painful, but this ends quickly enough and is easy to get used to. Keep the cloth in place for 1 minute. When 1 minute is up run the cloth under the hot tap and repeats the procedure once again holding it for 1-2 minutes. If after 2-3 minutes this above step more effective in male enlargement
The Long Schlong
Take the head of your penis in hand (if you have a foreskin then pull this back so it does not get in the way, remember you are pulling the penis NOT the skin). Then stretch it out directly in front of you, holding it for 10-15 seconds. You should be able to feel the stretch at the base of your penis. Repeat the action 4 or 5 times. After that, relax penis and massage the head to restore normal circulation now, take penis firmly in your hand and pull the penis to the right. Pull it to the right until you can feel a pressure on the left side of your penis for videos download
The Jelq exercise
The jelq must be preceded by an appropriate warm up. Is key for penis enlargement? Apply lubrication (baby oil works well) and start with a partially (70-80%) erect penis, then grasp penis between your finger and thumb using the 'OK' sign (refer to pictures) thus trapping all loose blood penis. Firmly move fore finger and thumb down the your penis pushing the blood into the head of the penis. The general concept is: the more blood accumulates the thicker and larger the head becomes and get more penis enlargement.
The Wake Up Cloth
To perform this warm-up you will need a cloth or small towel and access to warm