Objective: To learn the anatomy of the Earthworm through dissections.
Materials Needed: -15 pins -Scalpel - Dissection tray - Hand lens - Earthworm - Forceps - Probe - Scissors
1) Gather your materials; dissection kit, dissection tray, and the earthworm. 2) Lay the earthworm onto the dissection tray dorsal side up.
3) Place a pin through the side of the third segment from the mouth, and another pin through the side of the third segment from the caudal end.
4) Draw a diagram of the external anatomy.
5) Define the terms of the external anatomy.
6) Make a T-shaped incision with your scalpel from the clitellum down the middle of the mouth.
7) Use the forceps …show more content…
Pharynx: Muscular organ used to suck in food. Esophagus: Carries food from the pharynx to the crop. Protonephridia: Filter nitrogenous waste and empty to the outside from the nephridiopores. Septa: Dividing walls between segments. Seminal vesicles: Oval structures than contain the sex organs. Aortic arches: Pump blood throughout the worm in a closed circulatory system, connecting vessels and capillaries. Crop: Where the food is stored before entering the gizzard. Stomach: Organ in which the first part of the digestion occurs. Gizzard: Muscular organ that grinds up food for digestion. Intestine: Long tube in which the food is digested and the nutrients are absorbed. Dorsal blood vessel: Large blood vessel that runs on top of the digestive tract. Cross Section Terms (Drawing 3): Epidermis: Outer cellular layer. Typhlosole: Internal fold of the intestine, increases efficiency of absorbing food. Longitudinal muscles: The inner layer of muscular series and cradle the coelom. Ventral nerve cord: Connects the ganglia in each segment to the cerebral