What do you get when you blend: American Christian drama, award winning performances from top actors such as T.C. Stalling and Priscilla Shirer, combine it all with Sony TriStar picture company, and direct it by the famous Kendrick’s brothers. This is what you get: a triumphant and convincing movie: The War Room.
The movie title The War Room is intended to evoke strong feeling; much the same as the 2002, Jodi Foster movie The Panic Room. The resilient generated in The War Room confirms the power of prayer, real life drama and excitement, and a great storyline can be both valid and profitable. The movie is simply a spellbinding example of the power war being as old as human history. There is a strong reminder; …show more content…
In the film The War Room directors Alex and Stephen Kendrick uses the influence of prayer to address the real life dramas facing today’s societies. This like other compelling bible based dramas explores how prayer can have an influence on marriages, friendships, parenting, work relationships, and every other segment of our lives.
Yet the brilliance of this movie is not just its ability to strongly advocate for prayer; moreover it is unequivocally geared towards the 70 million Americans who identify as Christians, and are excited by faith-based movies. Hollywood has failed to validate its faith-based moviegoers. Thanks to The War Room the Kendrick’s are now the George Lucas of the Christian movement.
The film speaks to the converted; in fact it preaches to the choir. Trust and believe, over and over the message that a moral life can only be lived through Jesus Crist is emphasized. The movie audience cheers and weeps along side the actors. Elated shouts of amen and hallelujah can b heard through out the theater. It is clear this film is intended for a select audience who cherishes the power of