In his The Way of White Folks, Hughes illustrates the blacks’ feeling of frustration and resistance towards the white-Americans that they live within the society they are in. When on analyzes his short stories, one can see the techniques Hughes used, to illustrate how the whites treats the blacks. Although Hughes blurs the racial line which separates the North America from the South, he effectively illustrates that the how the upper class treats the black with less violence, but still with belittling condescension. In addition, through the medium of music, Hughes demonstrates the envy of many American whites because many of the blacks are artistically talented. With the use of the strategies, Hughes …show more content…
In the story, Roy, as the main character, travels the world by way of his amazing talent in playing the violent. When in Europe, Roy observes that people, most especially the prostitutes, did not care of his color; they were only concerned of the poverty and hunger that became prevalent during that time. Hughes emphasizes that it saddens Roy to refuse the young white women who offered their body in exchange for a little money to buy something and ease their hunger (34). Hughes mentions that in it is only in America that Roy feels abhorred and threatened: “For the first time in half a dozen years, he felt his color. He was home” …show more content…
Commendably, Hughes incorporates their treatment based on classes. In Poor Little Black Fellow, Arnie is not treated badly physically. However, the Pembertons made him feel that he is different. Thus, the silent indignity the Pembertons direct Arnie physically damages him. Such indignity makes him want to stay in Europe instead. On the other hand, the story entitled Home, the main character is treated terribly by the lower class in the hometown he resides. Roy may belong to the upper-class but because of his color, he was treated