Kipling’s poem was viewed in the same way as Lord Curzon, the viceroy of India from 1898 to 1905 CITATION Jos \l 1033 (Symes). Kipling urged the British and the Americans to “take up the white man’s burden”. Lord Curzon was concerned about the British position in the world, urging economic investment and warned of the need to fortify India’s borders against Russia. Curzon worried that the British would be worn down by resistance to the raj and that, confronted with their apparent inability to transform Indian culture, they would become cynical, get “lethargic and think only of home.” CITATION Jos \l 1033 (Symes)This poem is seven stanzas and tells that the country’s best will be sent to the darkest, uncivilized places of the earth to capture the natives and work for the white man.
In the first stanza, “Go bind your sons to exile, to serve your captives’ need;” The author, Kipling, speaks to the parents letting them know that their child is basically barred from their native country to only feed and take care of their new captives. The author also mentions that these captives are uncivilized, half-devil, half-child and sullen people, which to a normal person may seem like only the insane can take care of the insane.
My understanding of the second stanza is to work for someone else and giving up your own life. You lose life, love and pride to someone else in which whom does not care for others and only for themselves. Your terror should be controlled and your speech should always be simple when speaking to the natives. “To seek another’s profit, and work another’s gain” My understanding from this quote is for the “best” to steal and gain rewards from another’s work.
The third stanza is translated into controlling the native land and the captives. The “Imperial” wants the “best” to control the famine and the sickness, ceasing them to exist. While attempting to achieve this near impossible goal, the author warns them