noun: racism
the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, esp. so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.(Google deffinition)
Racism is the true underlining cause of the death of Tom Robinson, and the reason he was incarserated in the first place.
Tom Robinson was a black man accused of raping a white woman. Tom Robinson, who was legally represented by Atticus Finch, was shot down by the police force while trying to escape prison after he was wrongly incarserated. The evidence of racism being the cause of Tom's death is present in the story line, and the evidence of racism having catastrophic effects in the common world is unbarable, and unneccarsary.
Mr. Robinson's surroundings-
THE GREAT Depression of the 1930s was catastrophic for all workers. But as usual, Blacks +suffered worse, pushed out of unskilled jobs previously scorned by whites before the depression. Blacks faced unemployment of 50 percent or more, compared with about 30 percent for whites. Black wages were at least 30 percent below those of white workers, who themselves were barely at subsistence level.( Roshan Bharwani)
This intensified economic plight sparked major political developments among African Americans. Beginning in 1929, the St. Louis Urban League launched a national “jobs for Negroes” movement by boycotting chain stores that had mostly black customers but hired only white employees. Efforts to unify African American organizations and youth groups later led to the founding of the National Negro Congress in 1936 and the Southern Negro Youth Congress in 1937.(Lee Sustar)
I appreciate how Harper Lee never actually spells out the fact that Tom is innocent of the crimes of which he is accused. The reader is allowed to judge for himself/herself, but it