Like all mistakes, it created room for the evolution of human thought- or at least insight into the subject. Thomas’ wonderful mistake in The Wonderful Mistake exhibits the idea that perfection can only exist in
Partenio 3 the presence of imperfection and imperfection is always found in our best attempts at perfection. The paradox and brilliance of humanity. This new form of evolution is a source of long-term progress, and is the cause of an abundance of short-term suffering. Take, for example, Lewis Thomas. He might take some injury to my claim that The Wonderful Mistake lacks some fundamental logic. However, in the end, his mistake led to some deep thinking on my part, and maybe would lead to some deepened perspective on his. This process of disagreement and discussion inherent anywhere imperfection is found is vitally important to progress. A clear example of the value found in the process of evolution itself can be seen in the film, Gattaca. The main contrast between the two brothers in the film is that of their origins. Jerome/Vincent is a human conceived in love while Anton is more of a child of the times- so to speak. In terms of The Wonderful Mistake, Jerome is the legendary cell that grew to be humanity, while Anton is the cell designed by man, destined to live, as Lewis Thomas put it, a “colorless [life] in the hummocks of algal mats” (32) for all of eternity, or, for the sake of this metaphor, the duration of his short