This extract can be construed as men not admiring the magnificence of nature and also ignoring their inside blossoming naturalness. Wordsworth critiques human beings as being passive to the beauty of the sea, the reflection of the moon and the sound of the wind while losing …show more content…
Here, in the opening lines of the poem, one can feel the conflict of the poet who is in a state of drowsiness “a drowsy numbness pains” as if drugged, addressing a nightingale about the reasons of its happiness “being too happy in thine happiness” The nightingale which can be seen as an image of freedom and eternal life “immortal bird”, appears to be a gateway through which the poet wants to experience pure bliss. The poet wants to get drunk “O, for a draught of vintage”, to be able to take him away and disappear from this world and further comes to criticise the nightingale as he “… never known, the weariness, the fever, and the fret”. All the hardships of man in this gloomy world “Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and dies” are unknown to the bird. In this poem, it feels like the only way for the poet to be free is to be carried “viewless wings of Poesy”. The Keatsian argued that a major concern in "Ode to a Nightingale" is “Keats's perception of the conflicted nature of human life, i.e., the interconnection or mixture of pain/joy, intensity of feeling/numbness of feeling, life/death, mortal/immortal, the actual/the ideal, and