While they carry the conclusion, how the Earth came to be, they each carry their own differences. Studies from scientist currently show this, “the universe began without us some 10 billion years earlier than Earth. The universe started out with only two elements, hydrogen and helium gas…”. This is obviously very different from both the Christian and Iroquois version of creation. People who believe in the science way of creation do not believe in a God, heaven, or any extraordinary events or figures. Christians believe that God created the world in the course of 6 days, ranging from Earth, light, sky, land, vegetation, and all living creatures. They believe that humans have free will because the first humans, Adam and Eve, ate the fruit from the “Tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. The Iroquois believe that a woman fell from the sky-world, had a muskrat get some dirt from the bottom, and she danced around the dirt, which thus created the Earth. “The woman took the tiny clod of dirt and placed it on the middle of the great sea turtle’s back. Then the woman began to walk in a circle around it, moving in the direction that the sun goes. The earth began to grow…”. A reason she walked around could validate a Native American dancing around the
While they carry the conclusion, how the Earth came to be, they each carry their own differences. Studies from scientist currently show this, “the universe began without us some 10 billion years earlier than Earth. The universe started out with only two elements, hydrogen and helium gas…”. This is obviously very different from both the Christian and Iroquois version of creation. People who believe in the science way of creation do not believe in a God, heaven, or any extraordinary events or figures. Christians believe that God created the world in the course of 6 days, ranging from Earth, light, sky, land, vegetation, and all living creatures. They believe that humans have free will because the first humans, Adam and Eve, ate the fruit from the “Tree of the knowledge of good and evil”. The Iroquois believe that a woman fell from the sky-world, had a muskrat get some dirt from the bottom, and she danced around the dirt, which thus created the Earth. “The woman took the tiny clod of dirt and placed it on the middle of the great sea turtle’s back. Then the woman began to walk in a circle around it, moving in the direction that the sun goes. The earth began to grow…”. A reason she walked around could validate a Native American dancing around the