Gilman utilises the disturbing symbol of the wall paper and it’s interaction with the woman in the story, to express the many negative impacts the relegation to this role has on woman. “It slaps you in the face knocks you down, and tramples upon you. It is like a bad dream.” This example utilises personification to describe the way the narrator feels she is being treated by the wall paper and how she sees it as a constant suppressant preventing her from having any freedom in her life. By giving the symbol of the wall paper these human actions, Gilman is portraying her perspective on the ‘normal’ way men treated woman during this time period. Gilman successfully uses the wall papers relationship with the woman to convey her strong distaste for this socially accepted practise of men relegating woman to demeaning domesticated roles for their entire lives. ‘It is striped off – the paper – all around the head of my bed… I never saw a worst sight in my life. One of those sprawling flamboyant patterns omitting every artistic sin… when you follow the lame uncertain curves they suddenly commit suicide – plunge off at outrageous angles, destroy themselves in unheard of contradictions.” The reference to the wall paper being stripped off around the head of her bed, demonstrates how the woman has been tied down and unable to escape from not only the physical restraints but the restraints of social conventions preventing her from being free. This example uses the wall paper which symbolises woman and intense imagery to show how woman destroy themselves due to the loss of identity they experience as a result of what society is doing to them. In particular this represents what men in society are doing to woman. By utilising the symbol of the wall paper Gilman engages the reader to
Gilman utilises the disturbing symbol of the wall paper and it’s interaction with the woman in the story, to express the many negative impacts the relegation to this role has on woman. “It slaps you in the face knocks you down, and tramples upon you. It is like a bad dream.” This example utilises personification to describe the way the narrator feels she is being treated by the wall paper and how she sees it as a constant suppressant preventing her from having any freedom in her life. By giving the symbol of the wall paper these human actions, Gilman is portraying her perspective on the ‘normal’ way men treated woman during this time period. Gilman successfully uses the wall papers relationship with the woman to convey her strong distaste for this socially accepted practise of men relegating woman to demeaning domesticated roles for their entire lives. ‘It is striped off – the paper – all around the head of my bed… I never saw a worst sight in my life. One of those sprawling flamboyant patterns omitting every artistic sin… when you follow the lame uncertain curves they suddenly commit suicide – plunge off at outrageous angles, destroy themselves in unheard of contradictions.” The reference to the wall paper being stripped off around the head of her bed, demonstrates how the woman has been tied down and unable to escape from not only the physical restraints but the restraints of social conventions preventing her from being free. This example uses the wall paper which symbolises woman and intense imagery to show how woman destroy themselves due to the loss of identity they experience as a result of what society is doing to them. In particular this represents what men in society are doing to woman. By utilising the symbol of the wall paper Gilman engages the reader to