believes that she is a woman who is trapped within the paper. She is forbidden from performing any activity.
She misses the act of writing, which is written in a diary which she hid from her husband. Catherine Golden wrote another article entitled "" in response to Gilman's article, and summarizes the idea that Gilman was desperate for freedom.
I enjoyed both the articles by Gilman and Golden. I liked how Gilman expressed her feelings and wrote this article in first person. Writing this article in first person made it easy for the reader to understand her arguments and the purpose behind her writing. Golden made some great points and I totally agree with her point of view where she argues that just like everyone else she believes that freedom is a right. There should not be anyone who can try and take away our freedom from us. In the story, "The Yellow Wallpaper" it is the opposite, so it kind of contradicts my belief. The narrator had to fight for it, but anyhow freedom is something everyone wants to have. The author did a brilliant job with this piece of literature that depicts how a woman is permissive and is being controlled by her dominant husband. Women in liberal countries such as the United States women are enjoying freedom while still today the women in India and Pakistan are still enclosed behind the bars of the "Yellow Wallpaper". While I was reading this
article, I got flashbacks of my days in India. I lived in India for approximately 13 years and experienced how hard it is for women to live as per others will. Still today, just like in the past, the women have no idea what being free means in a society. They are being treated unfairly and are viewed as "babies-making machines". Since childhood a girl is taught that one day she will be married, and her only job is to keep her husband happy and take care of her children. In some parts of India, the practice of sati still exists. Sati is ceremony of burning a Hindu widow alive along with her late husband's body. This is total injustice against a woman in society. Was it her fault that her husband passed away? Why should she be burned alive with him? Would God approve this insane act? These are some of the questions that people still today have no answers to. However, his is a motivational piece of literature which reminds and persuades us to take measures now in order to bring freedom to women all over the world regardless of their background or race and spread equality among genders. For me it would be highly impossible to live a life where I am told what to eat, what to drink, what to wear, and how to act. We are now in the 21st century, and with the advancements in science and technology, our thinking needs to advance as well. We have to understand that in today's society, everyone can think for themselves. We as human beings have free will and are born with unalienable rights. These rights are the rights no one can take away from us and even someone tries to we should not let them.