
The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman

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The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The author Charlotte Perkins Gilman grew up in a childhood that was very painful and lonely. She had married Charles Stetson who gave her to a doctor to be taken care of because she had many extended periods of depression. She had been stripped away of most intellectual activities which brought her to almost mortal ruin. This time of her life inspired her to write The Yellow Wallpaper. The Yellow Wallpaper written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman talks about the narrator (the wife) who is diagnosed with Temporary Nervous Depression by her husband, which is keeping her locked up with nothing to do. This makes the narrator go insane. This short story demonstrates the use of imagery, tone, and a description of society to show how easy it is for people to get trapped in their own minds due to isolation from reality. …show more content…
The short story tells about a submissive obedience of the females in a man's authority, which can be unhealthy as shown from the insanity of the narrator. The narrator or protagonist keeps a diary that describes the wallpaper very often, the significance of the wallpaper is shown throughout the story. The imagery used allows the readers to be surrounded or understand the environment that the protagonist is in. For instance, the author describes the wallpaper but each time it is described it is described more in detail and deeper than before, this portrays how a little bit of sanity of the protagonist is lost each time. The descriptive imagery allows the readers to see how easy it is for those people trapped in their own minds due to isolation can lose sight of what’s

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