Channon Valentine
Grand Canyon University: Professional Dynamics NRS-430V
Professor Belmonte
November 21, 2012
The Difference between ADN and BSN Nurses
When researching the differences between an ADN and a BSN the biggest thing that was found was the ability to get into management at a health care facility. “ADN nurses go to school for two years to prepare technical bedside nurses for secondary care settings, such as community hospitals and long term care facilities. BSN nurses are prepared as generalists to practice nursing in beginning leadership position in a variety of settings.” (Creasia & Friberg, 2010, p. 26)
When thinking about your education you want to look at the idea of what you want to do in your career. Do you want to become a leader in the hospital or other health care facilities? Or do you just want to do the bedside nursing? Associates degree allows you to be a technical nurse at the bedside and a Bachelors’ degree allows you to become more involved in the managerial aspect of nursing. Bachelors’ also shows you the community side of nursing plus the research side so you can understand where the concepts that we use come from and how it came into existence. More and more hospitals are requiring nurses to get their bachelors degree because research shows that it “enhances nurses’ concepts of the profession and provides a wider range of experiences, allowing them to better adapt to an ever-changing health care environment.” (Spencer, 2008, p. 308)
On the associate degree side there are a lot of positive aspects. The first thing is the cost of this education compared to the bachelors’ degree. Many people in today’s society cannot afford to go to the more expensive schools for a bachelors’ degree. So the two year program is financially acceptable to the majority of the people looking to become a nurse. It also allows for a person who is looking for the skills of a nurse without
References: Creasia, J. L., & Friberg, E. E. (2010). Conceptual foundations: The Bridge to professional nursing practice (5th ed.). [Pageburst]. Spencer, J. (2008, July). Increasing RN-BSN enrollments: facilitating articulation through curriculum reform. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 39(7), 307-313.