• In-class essay next block
– Tuesday/Wednesday, February 14/15
Achilles and Hector’s Outlook on: • War • Duty • Heroism (#3 on page 380)
Three-Column Chart
War Duty Heroism For homework, you must find textual evidence that supports each character’s outlook on the three topics.
Achilles’ Outlook
Hector’s Outlook
• Believes that heroism is symbolized by tangible prizes • Experiences internal conflicts about the purpose and validity of war • Does not believe that duty constrains him to fight at the expense of honor
Find the textual evidence for each explanation in Books 1 and 6.
• Fights, even though he may be doomed to defeat • Consists of intangible loyalty to family and city as well martial valor • Directly threatens his city
Find the textual evidence for each explanation in Books 1 and 6.
• The dual theme of honor and dishonor runs through Books 1 and 6 of the Iliad. • Examples:
– Agamemnon feels dishonored by having to give up Chryseis, and he takes Briseis from Achilles to restore his honor. Achilles, in turn, feels his honor has been compromised by the loss of Briseis. – Hector ignores Andromache’s pleas to stop fighting because he believes he must defend the honor of Troy and thereby defend his honor as a warrior.
Create a three-column chart:
Agamemnon Achilles Hector
Example of Honor or Dishonor
• Example: Agamemnon believes himself dishonored by Apollo’s demand that he give up Chryseis. • Explanation: As a major Greek warrior, he no doubt believes himself entitled to the spoils of war, even the human spoils.
• Example: Achilles believes himself dishonored by Agamemnon’s taking of Briseis. • Explanation: Briseis has been promised to Achilles as a reward for his wartime heroics.
• Example: Hector believes that he would be dishonored if he fails to live up to his commitment to defend Troy. •