There is not a direct quote from the novel to support this claim, but if one were to read the novel, they will notice that this claim is not only true, but also supports how Fitzgerald utilizes the theme of moral corruption. This demonstrates the theme because Daisy isn’t staying with Tom because she loves him, she is staying with him for the material possessions and the money. Since a normal moral compass would say to stay with your significant other because you love them, Daisy’s corrupt moral compass keeps her with Tom for her financial and material gains. All in all, Daisy turns out to be one of the main examples of the theme of moral corruption in this novel.
In conclusion, Fitzgerald uses moral corruption to basically push the plot along. Through the use of the main characters and the conflict that builds between them, it further assists this theme. To completely sum things up, yes, Fitzgerald may use different ways to support this theme, but the way he used dialogue and characters to advance it further really made this novel unique. All in all, Fitzgerald masterfully pushed his techniques to show moral