
Theme Of Fate In Romeo And Juliet

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Theme Of Fate In Romeo And Juliet
Everyone makes their own decisions in life; however, it will ultimately lead to their determined fate. In William Shakespeare’s play, Romeo and Juliet, the prologue tells us that the two lovers, Romeo and Juliet are both destined to die because of their love for each other. Even though their death is already determined, the story tells how their choices lead to their ultimate fate. The hatred between their two families is in their way, yet Romeo and Juliet still get married trying to trick their fate. Shakespeare creates a message in his play that fate controls people’s lives and to send his message cross he writes about the failed attempts when two lovers tried to trick their own fate, but ended up with their pre- determined destiny anyway. …show more content…
He fears that something “hanging in the stars” will happen that night, as if he is already destined to die soon, (I.iv.106-111). Romeo has a strong belief in faith and believes everything that happens is fate’s fault. Since, he has such a strong belief in faith he believes he will die soon after the party is over. Already, fate shows its signs of controlling Romeo’s mind and warning him about how death is coming soon for him. In a duel between Tybalt and Romeo, they both fight one another until it finally ends by Romeo killing Tybalt. “O, I am fortune’s fool!” (III.i.134). After, Romeo kills Tybalt, he says that he is “fortunes fool,” this shows that fate or his fortune is the one to blame for Tybalt’s death. Once again, fate has sent a sign to Romeo that it takes control over him and his actions. Because of Romeos actions, his death is coming up and he knows it is fates’ doing for all his mistakes including murdering

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