[pic] Muckraking journalist, social-gospel minister, and women reformers all aroused Americans’ concern about economic and social problems. [pic] Many female progressives saw the task of improving life in factories and slums as an extension of their traditional roles as wives and mothers. [pic] Roosevelt promoted stronger federal legislation to regulate the railroads and other major industries. [pic] Conservation policies like land reclamation and forest preservation were probably Theodore Roosevelt’s most popular and enduring presidential achievement. [pic] Defenders of nature became divided between fervent “preservationists” who wanted to stop all human intrusions and more moderate “conservationist.” [pic] Roosevelt effectively used the power …show more content…
[pic] President Taft used his control of the Republican Party machinery to deny Roosevelt the nomination in 1912. [pic] The primary emphasis of the progressive movement was on strengthening government as an instrument of social betterment. [pic] Prominent among those who aroused the progressive movement by stirring the public’s sense of concern were socialists, social gospelers, women, and muckraking journalists. [pic] The US Army and Navy was not among the targets of muckraking exposes. (but the ones that were: urban politics and government. The oil, insurance, and railroad industries. Child labor and the “white slave” traffic in women) [pic] Most progressive were urban middle-class people. [pic] Among the political reforms sought by the progressives were an end to political parties, political conventions, and the Supreme Court’s right to judicial review of legislation. [pic] The states were progressivism first gained influences were Wisconsin, Oregon, and