One approach he takes is the one he takes to the mood of his speech. He starts off by saying that nobody should be more thankful than Americans and that we have achieved so much well-being and happiness. He says over and over in different contexts that we are a powerful and strong nation that is truly …show more content…
In the opening Roosevelt stresses that we are a strong, powerful country and he then goes on to talk about things foreign and domestic. When he is talking of other countries, he takes two different approaches. First, he makes the point that we have are a great nation with responsibilities and that with any other country, we need a “sincere friendship” in our actions, not just in our words. He continues that we want peace but “peace of justice” and that no “weak nation that acts justly” should fear us but also no strong power should be able to single us out “for aggression”. Roosevelt then goes back to how important the relationship we have with our own neighbors is in order to grow in wealth and power. He accepts the fact that with power danger comes and that we will face more challenges than those before us because modern life keeps advancing and with advances come new obstacles. This goes along with why he states, “There is no good reason why we should fear the future, but there is every reason why we should face it seriously, neither hiding from ourselves the gravity of the problems before us nor fearing to approach these problems with the unbending, unflinching purpose to solve them aright,” and this shows that his attitude on the manner is that we should be excited but prepared. He also states that “Our fore fathers faced certain perils which we have