The conflict framework refers to the reorganization that people in a family unit have different views and goals, which sometimes can result in conflict. Conflict framework is based off of the way people within a group or unit struggle for power. Wealth and status often take a role in the base of conflict, and because of this the question we ask when the conflict framework is applied to family is, how does a family deal with changes and differences? Conflict can be resolved or it can be managed. Family can be held together by constraint, conflict can strengthen relationships.
For example, a stay at home mother and wife who has a husband that works long hours to support the family, may feel lonely and depressed. She approaches her husband about the issue and he does not know what to do about the situation, because he needs to support the family. They both know the marriage is in trouble the fact that intimacy and romance is no more, and the wife expresses that she often feels more like a roommate to her husband than a wife. They decide to talk and try to come up with solutions for the problem. The wife decides she should get a part time job to help out with