View of Human Nature
There is a development that takes place between the ages of birth to six years old that is fundamental to how an individual begins to approach life. A person’s approach to life is more than just heredity, and during their first six years on the planet they begin to form their opinions and beliefs on how to interact and respond to people, how to make choices, how to approach respond to situations in life, and many other things. The biggest developmental components during the first six years are part of these six years (1) viewpoint of others and (2) viewpoint of self. An individual watches carefully during these years and begins to develop ideas on what they believe is appropriate social behavior with people in their world. They also begin to form their ideas of self-worth or lack thereof.
Because of foundation being laid during the early years of an individual, it is important to help the individual understand where reshaping needs to occur. Dr. Alfred Adler would call this reeducating or refocusing the individual in order to help them become more successful in reshaping society. Individuals are free to be who they are within the framework of the good of society.
My approach focuses on individual behavior in relation to relationship with others. Refocusing or reeducation should occur when an action breaks relationships with the people in the life of the individual. Any action or behavior that can break or has broken or damaged a relationship is an action that needs attention.
Subjective Perception of Reality
Just as the belief of Dr. Alfred Adler, my approach focuses on the concept that individuals possess a “subjective reality.” This “subjective reality” – which some may call perception – is reality to the individual. This view of reality was developed over time and many times may include misconceptions. These misconceptions are not necessarily wrong, but