As far as an education goes, I have gone through all the basic sub-structures of the educational system, and have still found that I dislike school. Elementary, middle, high school all offered nothing for me, rather, lumping me in to become just another faceless students amidst a crowd of thousands. I did not participate in anything school-related in my free time, but instead shunned anything that would make me have to stay there for more than six hours a day. I have enjoyed college and would like to complete as much as possible to obtain a job I can be happy with and support myself from. Oddly, many of the jobs that appeal to me do not require a college education, but I figure that I would rather be smart and educated than semi-smart and uneducated.
As for socially, I am considered by many to be shy but this is not really the case at all. Rather, I prefer to keep my mouth shut unless I have something I feel needs to be said.