When the Framers of the constitution were in the process of creating a government, they had in mind a government that was ruled by the people. Where everyone had a voice and could have say in what the government was doing. In order to avoid a monarchy such as the one they had been used to under British rule, the framers came up with a system of checks and balances. Checks and balances keeps one branch …show more content…
of government from having too much power over other branches of government. The framers idea when creating the checks and balances system was to keep a balance between the different branches of government. They didn't want the president to have too much power , so the legislative branch looks over the executive branch and has some say in that actions of the executive branch.
Times are definitely different than they were when the framers created the constitution, but their idea of not letting too much power get in the hands of one person, is definitely coming in hand with present day events.
With the war not showing any signs of ending anytime soon, many Americans are thankful that "checks and balances" system is in place. The current war is a good example of the checks and balances system. Many have started to look in President Bush's policies and have started to wonder whether he has abused his power, by continuing with a dead end war. Although many are against it, the war continues. This understandably creates a reaction amongst the people who believe they aren't being listened to. Congress is there to check up on the president's actions toward the war, they both work together in policies concerning the war and other government related …show more content…
The executive and legislative branches work together in checking each others power, yet there is a another part of the government that helps it work as a whole. The Judicial branch is involved with the laws that congress passes. The judicial branch is the one looking over what congress does. The concept of having each branch look over one another, helps as a democracy in that there will never be one person in total control over everything. The president is elected by the people and that's how the government would like for it to stay. Regressing to a monarchy or falling into dictatorship is why "checks and balances" was incorporated into the constitution by the framers. They had a vision of a free America ruled by the people for the people, something that has lived on into today.
3) Review in detail the basic Civil Liberties outlined in the "Bill of Rights". Explain how these rights have evolved and changed over the past 200 years. Take specific issues such as gun control and relate this issue with the Constitution. What would you change in the Bill of Rights if you had the power to do so.
Civil Liberties as outlined by the Bill of Rights, are what guarantees average citizens their freedom.
It outlines the freedoms and rights that citizens have, for example when a citizen is on trial they have the right to a fair trial, before trials were often unfair and innocent people were found guilty. Just like the United States has changed and evolved over the past 200 years, certain rights addressed in the Bill of Rights have also changed. Some don't really even pertain to today. Amendment three for example doesn't really have any relativity today. Back then housing troops was a major issue but today it is not. The Bill of Rights was written in an era completely different than ours. Issues were different and with that there were different situations to arise. I believe that the Bill of Rights to change as the times change. 200 years ago they didn't have the issues of searching people when going through the airport, because of the fear that there might be some kind of danger. As times change I believe so should the Bill of Rights, to an extent. There are certain rights that are just as relevant now as they were 200 year ago, yet the ones that no longer pertain to us should be taken out and replaced with new ones that would serve the people better. The Patriot Act which was enacted to protect citizens from terrorism, seems like it has limited basic rights more than it has protected. Citizens passing up rights in order to feel protected. There are people out there though
that feel giving up certain rights are necessary for the greater good. If I could change the Bill of Rights I would just make a little more relevant to the issues of today, and have rights in there that would benefit citizens. With so many different events going on today it is a hard to have rights that were from 200 years ago , be relevant today.