Abstract The Theory of Constraints and the Queuing Theory is something that all forms of businesses should be looking to exploit. The Theory of Constraints contends that all businesses have some form of constraint that keeps them from working at optimum efficiency. These constraints are found, reviewed, and corrected by a simple process of finding what to change, what to change to, and how to cause the change. The Queuing Theory can be applied in a similar fashion in businesses. In comparison, it attempts to point out inefficiencies similar to that of the Theory of Constraints; however, it seeks to accomplish these goals through a mathematical equation rather through a cause-effect-cause method.
The Theory of Constraints Today, more than ever, change is essential to satisfying expectations. Customers expect higher product and service quality than the price they’re willing to pay to acquire those products and services (AGI-Goldratt Institute, n.d.). Since it began roughly 20 plus years ago as a manufacturing scheduling method, the Theory of Constraints (TOC) methodology has now evolved into a systems methodology. The development of Theory of Constraints is credited in the main to Dr Eliyahu M. Goldratt, an Israeli physicist who has turned his attention to the business world, through a large number of books, seminars and other media (Goldratt and Cox, 1992). There have been several publications that provide reviews of TOC 's history and development (McMullen, 1998), its major components (Cox and Spencer, 1998), applications (Kendall, 1998), and published literature (Mabin and Balderstone, 1999).
According to Bates (n.d.), the dictionary definition of the act of constraining is the state of being checked, restricted, or compelled to avoid or perform some action. Goldratt’s (1990) take on a constraint is that it is anything that limits a system from achieving higher performance verses its
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